Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summertime, and the living is easy? ...or not

This summer has been crazy time. Our normal schedule is out the window, all the school year activities have ceased for summer. You would think we would have this slow pace to life, right? No way, this summer has been random, unpredictable and crazy. We had a couple of weeks where every day was packed. Even fun can start to feel like a job. I was having flashbacks to our first year homeschooling, the "year of over-extending".

How did it happen? Each offer, or plan, or trip was a good thing on its own, but put together it leads to absolute chaos. All of it got me thinking about the coming school year. This past school year was everything I wanted from homeschooling with one exception, the girls are getting older. I want to be sure that we are including enough social, outside activities in our plans. The danger is that our school year will start to resemble our summer.

My new mantra: "I do not have unlimited time, money, energy, or emotional reserves. I cannot do it all."

1 comment:

Kayla said...

i bet it is hard to separate the two. you do seem a little overwhelmed.