Friday, April 10, 2009

Anatomy of a tantrum

We knew when we planned two fun filled dawn-to-way-past bedtime back to back that we might be pressing our luck with everyone's temper.

A side note: For some reason every time we go to the zoo, John has a meltdown. Some of you might remember the great fit of 2008, that amused all the zoo workers. It strikes quickly, and leaves just as quickly and its usually over nothing.

Today's festivities ensued when we were refused more brownies.....

We start with the crying, wailing, and gnashing of teeth....

Then we move onto describing how much we dislike the offender and how unfair life is in general.....

When this doesn't work, we "turtle" up.

Our sister take a better approach, she has mastered the art of the glare. It rivals the glares of WWF wrestlers. I think I might have given birth to "the Undertaker"

1 comment:

Rob said...

Haahaha, The Undertaker ... awesome! :)