We homeschool, and what I am the most thankful for is that I feel like I got some clear direction from above this summer on what our year is going to look like this school year. Last year, we were over committed, I felt like I was constantly running from one activity to another, back home for chores, squeezing school in. It was like some kind of a psychotic relay race every day. Add that to Brian's already crazy schedule and I was one overwrought momma. That is just no way to live, at least not for us.
This Summer has been awesome for us because we haven't had any regular scheduled events. We have been busy, but we have been able to be busy when it fits our schedules. This is what I am taking away from this summer and walking into fall with. We probably won't participate in any of the activities like scouts, or weekly classes this year to leave room for the things we treasure the most.
Hi Jennifer, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. It's great that you are having a lovely summer so far. Wow it surely isn't easy to juggle between homeschooling and all the other tasks! Thankfully there is summer break!
May God continue to bless your summer.
family first... that's great. but no scouts?? *sniff*sniff*
it's pretty exciting to have your summer..summer passed already here in Asia and we had much fun...
Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration
Yay for summer and yah for not being "overly" busy too!
It is nice to know that you are enjoying your summer.
Take care always, Jennifer. :)
Summer is wonderful when our schedule is laid-back. I totally agree with you in cutting out some activities. I think our culture as a whole is just too busy! How can God speak to us when we're going 90 to nothing all the time?
Thanks for commenting on my blog. It was nice to meet you!
it's so awesome you homeschool
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