Monday, May 18, 2009

I grew something, and for once its not a baby...

I am so excited, and I am in full nerdy bliss. I grew something... ME! Jenny of the black thumb... I have grown sunflowers. I am queen of the garden! Okay .... not really.... they have only been sprouted for a couple of days....there is still plenty of time for me to kill them off.

See, I have killed off every plant I have ever tried to care for. I even managed to murder an aloe vera AND a cactus. Apparently, that is an accomplishment. All my instincts with plants are wrong. I over water, under light... I just have the wrong instincts.

Brian has started referring to my gardening projects as "victims". He makes sympathetic noises to my seed packets when I bring them home. Its so wrong.

This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't so enthusiastic about gardening. I want to be able to grow things. Its ironic really.... I mean Brian and I were so fertile in the kid department, we could barely be in the same room without getting pregnant. You would think that would translate over into plants and crops. All that early cave man fertility deity stuff, If it translated we would live on a farm where the berry bushes had practically taken over the house.

But alas, I have my little crop of sunflowers... if they live, I am going to attempt an herb garden! Its like such a huge step up.... I warned you... full nerdiness here.


Clarissa said...

That's awesome! I understand completely... I too am from the breed of black thumb-edness!

Rob said...

I should write a quick application that tracks how long these live before you have to "call the time" on them :)

Jennifer said...

yeah.... Brian pointed out the big flaw in my plan... what will I do with them when they are grown... I never really got that far. I had zero faith in my abilities...