Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blog Make up day: Monday

Okay I don't care what Blogger is telling you the date is... I promise it is really November 3rd and I am NOT a slacker!!!!

Today we had our art class, I had some great lessons planned on cool and warm colors. I thought I had planned exactly for one hour, but I have no time perception (quit laughing Brian!!!!) We went WAAAY overtime. Next time the whole class will meet to finish it all up. Here is the girls work so far....

Both girls made a warm sun picture, Chloe's is the one wearing sunglasses and Emma's is a little hard to see. I had the kids draw the different types of lines we have studied in with crayon first and then they did a warm watercolor wash over the crayon. It was cool, because the wax in the crayons resists the watercolor.

The black outline drawings we will complete next week, they used the different types of lines, then went over them with black paint. Next week they will get to choose their palette of colors and fill in all the spaces with a whole lot of color.

Then we started what I think was the BEST project. We made spider webs with Elmer's glue in class and we had to let them dry. Then everyone will bring theirs back, and we will do a cool watercolor wash over the paper. We will do a warm watercolor wash on some leaf cut outs, and mount them on the paper with 3D spacers, and then add a pipe cleaner spider! Okay, I'm a little nerdy, and these things are very exciting to me.

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